One does not need to dig deep into oneself to judge one's action. That action may be just or can be corrupt. If figures are anything to go by India heads the league of nations as far as corruption is concerned. Infact the system is one that breeds corruption at its different hierarchy.It's probably a way of life these days.
You probably know this by heart but we could do well to stop pretending as though everything's all hunky-dory (trust me it's not).
I feel that sitting on files in workplace is in itself a form of corruption that betrays the faith behind draining the public exchequer over your compensation package for the work that u seldom complete on time...and don't ask them for they have no accountability to their employers ( people ) and treat them as shit..remember this- corruption does not pay....cos someday u could be at the receiving end of a similar situation when someone may just ask u to pay up additional (and usually illogically hefty) amounts for what is very much part of their job....that day u will come to understand the plight of the helpless u had been extorting this long ....till that day comes, just chill...but that day will surely come to haunt you and those u love.